American Expatriate Costa Rica

12 new roadworks on route 27 with $10 million trust

The National Concessions Council (CNC) will develop a series of roadworks on Route 27 between San José and Caldera, with a trust fund of $10 million, countersigned by the Comptroller General of the Republic (CNR).

These funds will be used to finance roadworks not covered in the original concessions for this road.

Silvia Jiménez, Technical Secretary of Concessions, said Bancrédito will be in charge of the trust.

The funds will be used for the payment of expropriated lands that were in the middle of the road construction, the payment of the design and constructions ordered by courts, and the payment of the design and construction of two weighing stations on Route 27, near the toll of Atenas.

Jiménez said the weighing stations were contemplated in the original design of the road, but their construction was delayed to cover other priorities, such as pedestrian bridges.

The CNC and the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MOPT) will oversee the works that have a two-year deadline for their completion, which started running with the comptroller’s endorsement.