American Expatriate Costa Rica

A 4.8 magnitude earthquake shakes Central Valley

A strong earthquake shook the country at 10:06 a.m.

The Vulcanological and Seismological Observatory of the National University (OVSICORI) confirms that its epicenter was 9.4 km west of San Pablo, León Cortés, 8 kilometers deep, with a magnitude of 4.8.

The tremor was felt strongly in Cartago, Desamparados, Blancos Street, Moravia, La Uruca, Pavas, Sabana, Santa Ana, San Rafael de Montes de Oca, Tres Rios, Ciudad Colón, Heredia, San Joaquin de Flores, among others places.

The Red Cross ensured that at the moment, no one was hurt and no actions have been necessary.