American Expatriate Costa Rica

A great app for restaurants!

Restaurants’ owners can manage information about their business by using their cellphones. Cashbox closings, cash counts, costumers’ consumption and bills are some of the activities an application designed for them can do.

Hiopos Cloud is the ‘app’ that provides support to entrepreneurs who start in the restaurant business.

Andrés Echeverri, from Hiopos Costa Rica, explained that this sector generally has little access to technology. With this ‘app’, the idea is to manage the business more easily and quickly.

The platform has lots of administrative functions such as inventory control and stock management, pricing, taxes and discounts, sale amounts, accounts receivable, menu management, cashbox closing, cash counts, among others since it contains more than 100 functions,

said Echeverri.

It also provides the possibility to better manage tables by generating a graphical map with each of them, and it can manage accounts and food orders.

It is easy to set up and can be installed on tablets, computers running Android system or Todo Punto de Ventas’ equipment and it can function without an Internet connection for five days. It costs 44 dollars per months or 23,700 colones.