American Expatriate Costa Rica

A new tomato promises to save this fruit production

A new species of tomato promises to save this fruit production in order to curb losses and lower the price to the consumer.

So far, it seems to be the only way to return everything to normal since the experience has been good for those who have tried it.

Cristian Gamboa, producer from Santa Bárbara de Heredia, is one of those who hasn’t recovered from the losses caused by the attack of a virus popularly known as “spoon”, which is transmitted by the white fly.

It is unknown how much damage the disease left in its wake. Producers are focused on raising the crop and the Ministry of Agriculture is focused on training.

Some data indicate that 50% of the heritable production was lost and in other places that figure rose to 80%.

Her family and workers depend on her. She says that wages have to be paid, although it is not enough to cover spending.

She added that it could contribute to tomato production if the quality of seed entering the country is better reviewed.

This virus took producers by surprise, because its sequels were seen three years ago.

Gamboa now has two plantations, the good and the one that is about to be cut to plant other products.

She says that the disease kills the plant, but the new variety is strong and does not allow the spread of the fly, because it is genetically superior.

Gamboa, who has been engaged in this business for 20 years, asserts that time is the only one to allow prices to go down, and that the rise highly depends on intermediaries.

While the “spoon” virus entered the country, no one knows where it came from. It is presumed that it could have come from Panama.

Producers hope that phytosanitary surveillance will prevent, in the future, that this disease attack another variety of the fruit.