American Expatriate Costa Rica

Aguilar forsees a discouraging panorama without Eurobonds in July

The Minister of Finance, Rocio Aguilar, foresees a discouraging scenario for the national economy if, by July, legislstors do not approve the project known as Eurobonds.

According to Aguilar, if that month the legislators have not made a decision, the slight signs of improvements in the country after the approval of the fiscal plan – in December – will be reversed. The Minister insists that after the approval of the new taxes, the country was able to reduce the pressure on interest rates and return to be subject of credit by organizations such as the Andean Development Cooperation.

It is a matter of giving credibility to the market that the country is adequately financed. If in the second semester we do not have Eurobonds, this favorable trend will be reversed,”

said the Minister.

Aguilar rejected the accusations of an opposition sector that accuses the Executive Power of wanting to have more resources to be able to finance the next electoral campaign for the mayoralties to the candidates of the ruling party, Acción Ciudadana.

The Eurobonds project seeks to allow the government to place $ 6 billion in securities of public debt in international markets.

In the Congress there is a struggle between the legislative parties, as some support approving the amount at one time and others doing so in fractions ranging from $2,500 to $1,500.