American Expatriate Costa Rica

Albino Vargas on strike project: “It is vengeful, vindictive, and subjective”

Vargas was in an audience with the special commission that will dictate the bill on strikes. He believes the initiative arises as a revenge to the movement carried out from September 2018 on the basis of opposition to the tax plan.

The general secretary of ANEP said that one of the objections has to do with the dissolution of unions. He argued that even Carmen Moreno from the International Labor Organization (ILO) said that dissolving unions is something that only happened in South America in the 70s during authoritarian regimes.

Vargas also justified that, at present, the society is divided. Therefore, discussing this project in these moments is not appropriate.

The trade unionist reminded Carlos Ricardo Benavides, president of the Special Commission, that during the government of Laura Chinchilla the Labor Process Reform was vetoed, when Benavides was the Minister of the Presidency.

Benavides said that unions were seeking a different declaration of illegality.

The attempt to now modify this reform endorsed during the Solís Rivera administration, must occur through a social dialogue, according to the trade unionist.

Despite the accusations, Vargas told the Commission that his statements are useless because he believes that the decision on the project has already been made.

The Commission has four months to decide on the project.