American Expatriate Costa Rica

Alert! More than eight thousand cases of dengue have been reported

As of November 16th, the Ministry of Health accounted for 8,179 cases of dengue throughout the year, which amounts to a growth of 5,738 diagnoses compared to the same period last year.

According to the most recent epidemiological report, Heredia is the province with the highest incidence since it has 1,985 cases, followed by Limón with 1,738 and Alajuela with 1,524. Sarapiquí is the canton with the largest number of cases, 1,816. Fortunately, there are no deaths due to the virus.

It is worth mentioning that during week 46 (which ended on November 16th) there was a decrease in the number of cases.

Some of the recommendations to prevent the spread of the virus are:

Eliminate breeding grounds (containers that accumulate water).
Fill any container that can store liquid with soil.
Change the water of vases at least once a week.