American Expatriate Costa Rica

Authorities worried over illegal heavy weapons sale in public places

Security Minister Gustavo Mata did not hide his concern about the arrest of three people who bought heavy weapons in a parking lot in San José.

According to the hierarch, this type of illegal weapons are the ones that end up in the hands of crime.

A Colombian named Sneider was arrested on Saturday while selling an AR15 assault rifle, a 9 mm pistol and ammunition.

The hierarch even maintains that 4 articles should be reformed in the Law of Arms that has the country. In addition to increasing the penalty for carrying illegal weapons.

Security authorities have been investigating the foreigner for several weeks and have already entered a series of candidates to be expelled from the country.

The buyers were two Costa Ricans with no criminal record. The subjects had four million colones in cash.

Mata recalled that they expect an increase in the shipment of weapons from the disarmament of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).