American Expatriate Costa Rica

Banking Update Required: BN Has Online System

Banco Nacional Online Form for Personal Data

Banco Nacional Online Form for Personal Data

An article today in AM Costa Rica warned bank account holders of a year-end impending deadline to complete a form and update personal information. Similar reports have been published in the Spanish-language press since September. Those who fail to update their information risk having their accounts closed.

Online Banking Menu BN Ley 8204 Update

Account holders at Banco Nacional have an option to update their personal information , as required by Ley 8204 through the online banking system.

Today, I updated my personal information using the online banking platform. I also received a message in red letters just after login. It’s unclear if I received the message because the last cedula they have on file for me happened to expire this month. However, the menu for updating personal information has been available.

I recommend, however you take my experience here with some caution. For example, different policies may apply to holders of business accounts and those with different personal situation. If in doubt, the best course is to contact your bank before the holiday break.