American Expatriate Costa Rica

Be careful of respiratory diseases: children are the most common victims

Weeks in which cases of several diseases tend to increase, including respiratory infections, are coming. As a result, the National Children’s Hospital (HNN) is asking parents to be extremely careful with their children’s health.

According to Marcela Hernández, infectious-disease specialist and coordinator of the Epidemiology Unit, infection prevention and control at the HNN, cases have decreased, but children with critical respiratory conditions are still being hospitalized.

Respiratory syncytial virus is the most common microbe that causes infections in babies and children’ lungs and airways.

Symptoms usually appear 4-6 days after being in contact with the virus.

Older children often have moderate flu, croup, nasal congestion or low fever. However, younger infants may have more alarming symptoms such as:

-Bluish skin color due to lack of oxygen, in severe cases.
-Breathing difficulties.
-Rapid, shallow breathing.

Hernández explained that last week a 6-month baby was suffering from Infuenza B. Even though the baby is fine and is happily at home, he couldn’t be vaccinated because there are not vaccine for such young children. The doctor is worried because this is the first case of its kind.

September and October are the most critical months of the year, because respiratory deseases increase. Authorities urge people to be careful: asthmatic people must have their prevention treatment; wash your hand and keep the protocol for sneezing and coughing; if you are sick, do not approach healthy people in order to avoid contagion.