American Expatriate Costa Rica

Better care during childbirth in Puntarenas

Music, pleasant aromas and relaxing massages are just some of the attentions women in labor receive in Puntarenas.

According to the head of obstetrics, doctor Carla Gríos, this is an initiative aiming to provide better care during childbirth, with a change of attitude and paradigm.

It is moving from a mainly biologist attention to psychological and social care, which take into consideration the particularities of each patient,

said Gríos.

The specialist explained that these strategies are not expensive and they have a great impact on public health. In addition, said cares have a positive impact on user satisfaction, as shown in several surveys conducted by the medical center.

In Puntarenas Hospital they also use birth balls which are part of a body technique that intends to reduce labor pains and increase physical and emotional welfare.

In addition, despite the structural constraints imposed after the 2012 earthquake, women can freely choose the position they want to give birth.

Regarding the relaxing massages, they are applied by chosen companions who are part of the entire process from the moment the patient is admitted.