American Expatriate Costa Rica

Businessmen blame government for public finances crisis

The businessmen grouped in the Costa Rican Union of Chambers and Associations of the Private Enterprise (UCCAEP) blamed the government of President Luis Guillermo Solís for the financial crisis announced on Tuesday in national television.

It is not nice to say that in three years he has insisted on a fiscal urgency when nothing was done in tax matters in the first two years,”

said Franco Pacheco, president of the group.

The head of the business leadership said that it was not enough to send tax reform bills to the Legislative Assembly, but cut costs.

The employers’ association also claimed that the current government has avoided calling bills to contain spending.

Pacheco said that it is not possible for the government to talk about austerity when the government insists on maintaining a millionaire presence of official publicity.

Employers also emphasized that it is derisory that they want to freeze the 2018 budget, when it will not be up to the current government to administer it.