American Expatriate Costa Rica

Campaign aims to return lost dogs to their owners

“Guardian de Perros” is the name of the initiative that seeks to ensure that drivers are informed of lost pets and can contribute to the cause, if they find the animals on the street.

Walter Sánchez, director of the campaign, explained that for some months they have been working on the initiative, but it was until this week that it could be implemented in Waze.

It all started because we detected a problem: domestic pets that disappear (escape, get lost or are stolen), do not know how to behave on the street. This causes many automobile accidents, drivers who try to dodge a disoriented animal can cause a misfortune,”

said Sánchez.

According to Sánchez, the idea is to help from a different perspective, announcing the missing pets through Waze.

We created an alert for the drivers and we also invite them to join us as guardians of dogs and cats,”

said Sánchez.

This is an initiative of Proventas de Cartago, a company that distributes veterinary products.

This week we announced lost pets from three points at Waze: Ruffos Terramall, Agroservicios El Salitre in Santa Ana and La Vete in Alajuela. We have published seven pets and four have been found. We have an ambition of diffusion so that more people who have lost their pet come to us, so that drivers are aware as well. We will put new points as we get new cases,”

said the director of the campaign.

People can send the lost pet information to Dog Guardians (you can click here to visit the Facebook page ), the Waze publication is made close to the area where it got lost and this way you can see its photo, information and the number of its owner.

If the driver sees the animal, they can search for “Lost Dog” (as if it were a place) in Waze and they will have all the necessary information to return it to its owner.