American Expatriate Costa Rica

Chinese cement importer files appeals against commission investigating him

Juan Carlos Bolaños Rojas, the importer of Chinese cement linked to the controversial cementazo case, went to the Constitutional Hall during the weekend to file an amparo and a habeas corpus appeal.

The press office of the Constitutional Chamber confirmed that Bolaños presented the Habeas Corpus against the legislative commission that investigates the process of the millionaire credits that he received at the hands of state banking entities; and the appeal for amparo was filed against “several legislators” of the Legislative Assembly.

The businessman was called to appear before the legislative commission on August 25th. However, in the first instance, he declared himself unable to do so due a case of gastritis.

The legislators did not buy said explanation and refuted the medical opinion. Therefore, they asked the businessman to show up.

Finally he arrived, under the shadow of an order from the Public Force to look for him. Most of his replies were based on a lack of recollection of many of the details about the relationship with politicians and banking authorities.

After that statement, some legislators assured that it was all a mockery.