American Expatriate Costa Rica

Choose one of these healthy habits!

We all know the word habit. We listen to it frequently and we have certainly learned it since childhood. But what is a habit? By definition, a habit is a practice or skill acquired by repeated exercise. We all have habits of some sort.

So taoday I bring you a list of simple and healthy habits you can introduce in your daily routine without causing too much fuss, but with great positive influence on our well-being. I urge you to take just ONE of these habits and implement it. Easy enough, right?

1. Eat one fruit daily: Fruits are a great source of natural sugars and fiber, they help good digestion and more. Ideal mid-morning snack at work, either before or after exercise.

2. Bask in the sun for 5 minutes without digital distractions: We can certainly leave our phone or tablet for a while and sit down to really enjoy the stillness of the sun. Without exposing ourselves too much to prevent problems in the skin, and with the benefit of calming the mind to recharge us with peace. Just five minutes!

3. Sleeping without your cell phone: A great challenge for many, but what if instead of sleeping with the cell phone on the bedside table, we leave it charging in the living room or kitchen. Have you tried? Studies prove that we get a better-quality sleep at night when we are not aware of sounds, alarms or notifications.

4. Drink a glass of water with each meal: Less harmful sugars and more hydration to the body. The difference seen when changing each soda or sugary drink for a glass of water with your meals will make you notice a change in digestion, mental clarity and lightness of the body.

5. Hug somebody: Health is not only physical but also emotional. Giving a big hug is like medicine for the soul, it transmits joy, love, support and more. Why not start now?

6. Say good morning to the first three people you see after leaving home: Saying good morning at home is normal, but what happens when we say good morning to a stranger? Why not start practicing a small gesture towards the first three people we see in the street, that inspire us to wish them a good day with a smile? We could have nice surprises.

7. Read a book: Read without distractions and without pauses. Something that nourishes the mind or the soul. Read for pleasure, not out of necessity or obligation. Read to learn something new or just to relax. It’ll help you sleep like a baby.

8. Have a cup of coffee with somebody special: Communication, affection and good coffee. What would life be without afternoon coffee? Many times we find ourselves trapped in the routine or in traffic with no time for this. An occasional afternoon with that friend, that family member we do not see often, will recharge us with energy and warmth.

9. Go for a short walk everyday: Simple as it may seem, life is fast and we cannot be late for work or social commitments, so we have little time left to walk. But I assure you that a short walk, five to ten minutes near your house, office or in a park is something that will bring you great relief to continue with your day. So, a short walk after lunch every day, maybe

I already chose mine! And you?

Dr. Mariana Calleja