American Expatriate Costa Rica

Comptroller is called into questioning about financing PAC campaigns

The special commission of the Legislative Assembly that investigates the financing of three political campaigns of the Citizen Action Party (PAC) agreed on Monday to call for the Comptroller General of the Republic, Marta Acosta, to appear at a date not yet defined.

The legislators approved a motion promoted by Franggi Nicolás, from the National Liberation Party (PLN), so that Acosta refers to the supervision and control carried out by the Comptroller’s Office to finance and liquidate the political groupings in the electoral campaigns of 2002, 2006 and 2010. That, before those functions were assumed by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) through the Financing Department of Political Parties.

The commission also approved a motion to summon Rónald Chacón, head of the Political Parties Financing Department of the TSE, and Héctor Fernández, general director of the Electoral Registry and Financing of Political Parties, a second time “and as many times as necessary”.

At the hearing held on Monday, both officials insisted on holding Margarita Bolaños, former PEC general secretary, responsible for signing 263 special service contracts in the 2010 campaign, through which the party defrauded the state.

The TSE included Bolaños in the list of those responsible for the crime of fraud against the public treasury, which it sent to the Public Ministry. However, Bolaños was not convicted, as it happened with Minor Sterling, and Manuel Antonio Bolaños.