American Expatriate Costa Rica

CONAFAC creation aims to improve the foreign trade of goods

The National Council of Trade Facilitation Council (CONAFAC) was officially launched on Tuesday afternoon to improve the competitiveness and security of foreign trade of goods between countries.

This body was set up to comply with the Trade Facilitation Agreement of the World Trade Organization, which was approved in April this year.

This council will be composed by seven representatives from the government and five more from the private sector, who will be members of several chambers.

CONAFAC will be chaired by Vice Minister of Foreign Trade, John Fonseca, who will be accompanied by Deputy Minister of Finance, Fernando Rodríguez, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Ivannia Quesada, Deputy Minister of Transport, Giselle Alfaro, as well as Deputy Minister of Health, María Esther Anchía.

Next to them are the Deputy Minister of Security, Bernardita Marín and the Deputy Minister of the Interior, Carmen Muñoz.

The private sector, among others, will include Enrique Egloff, president of the Chamber of Industries, and Yolanda Fernández, president of the Chamber of Commerce.

It is an indispensable tool for generating job opportunities, attracting productive investment and boosting entrepreneurial talent and innovation,”

said COMEX Minister Alexander Mora.