American Expatriate Costa Rica

Costa Rica has experienced more than 82 thousand earthquakes in eight years

So far this year there have been 7,973 earthquakes in the country, according to the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (OVSICORI) of the National University (UNA).

In a matter of eight years, this territory moved 82,305 times. Last year had the highest incidence of telluric movements, with a total of 13,443 quakes. According to Floribeth Vega, an expert from OVSICORI, the years with the highest amount of seismicity respond to a high magnitude event that generated a great number of aftershocks.

Over the years, experts from UNA have installed more seismometers and accelerometers that record earthquakes.

In a country with a high rate of seismicity it is important that the population know what to do in case of a major event. Some of the recommendations of the National Emergency Commission are:
• Identify structure: in the emergency plan you must know the most resistant parts of the place where you are, be it home or work, where you could protect yourself while the earthquake lasts.
• Evacuation areas: detect the safe places where you could be safe, outside the structure, so that you can go there as soon as the tremor stops.

• Avoid traps: do not get into places where you can get trapped.
• Carry out erthquake drills so that all family members or co-workers know what to do in each case.
• Keep provisions: have a supply of non-perishable items, so in case of a major emergency that cuts communications, you may subsist.

Data from the National Seismological Network show that, during August 2018, 600 earthquakes were detected, 378 more than in July.