American Expatriate Costa Rica

Costa Rican businessmen traveled to the United States to hunt for tourists

A group of Costa Rican businessmen traveled to the United States as part of an initiative supported by the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT) to promote tourism so that more people visit Costa Rica soon.

The cities that will be visited by Costa Rican businessmen are Boston, New Jersey, Philadelphia and Washintong D.C., which are areas of the East Coast where most of the prospects reside or who have expressed interest in coming to national territory.

In the meetings of each sector, there will be training for travel agents on how to sell the image of Costa Rica and it is intended that local entrepreneurs have the opportunity to present the entire menu of services offered in this territory to participating North American sellers of the program.

According to the ICT, of the total of tourists who visited Costa Rica in 2018, practically 41% came from the United States. In North America, of all the travelers that arrived from that part of the continent, 80% were American.

In the first quarter of 2019, more than 734 thousand Americans have come to Costa Rica for tourism purposes.