American Expatriate Costa Rica

Country reported the largest growth in the region

According to economists from Aldesa Valores, Costa Rica reported the highest economic growth in Central America during the first half of the year, as measured by the Monthly Economic Activity Index (IMAE), with a level of 4.9%, followed by Nicaragua (4.6%) and Panama (4.2%)

Costa Rica’s best performance has been hand in hand with the good performance of the services sector and the recovery of other sectors, such as agriculture.

Exports have enabled the country to have the best growth recovery, since last year it was only 2.2%.

Other countries such as Guatemala and Nicaragua also improved their performance.

The region has a behavior with acceptable levels of growth amid a global situation of slow progress, where the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has once again warned the risks involved around slow global growth.

As goals, Costa Rica hopes to grow 4.2% this year. Nicaragua, on the other hand, has the highest goal, as it hopes to grow between 4.5% and 5%. The smallest goal is in El Salvador with 2.3%.

The growth figure in the country ensures an important element when assessing macroeconomic stability, and provides stability regarding what might be expected from other relevant economic variables in coming months.