American Expatriate Costa Rica

‘Coyote Chino’ offered 3 different, national routes to illegally reach the United States

The Immigration Police determined that trafficker Barboza, also known as Coyote Chino, offered 3 different, national routes to illegally reach the United States.

Barboza was arrested on November 16th in Pérez Zeledón and he is suspected of collecting great amounts of money from Costa Ricans who wanted to live the American dream.

These were the routes he used to offer:

-Air-ground route: Costa Ricans were taken to Mexico by air. Once they reached the capital, they moved to the state of Reinosa to cross Río Bravo and reach the United States.
-Ground route: Costa Ricans were first moved to Nicaragua, they continued their journey throughout Central America to reach Mexico. They arrived in the state of Reinosa and crossed Río Bravo.
-Air-sea route: Costa Ricans were taken to Panama. From there, they left for the Bahamas and they traveled to Nassau, the capital of the island. Then, they were taken to Florida through the sea.

Stephen Madden, director of the Migration Police, declared that ‘Coyote Chino’ would have been involved in multiple cases.

Investigations against ‘Coyote Chino’ started in early 2015.