American Expatriate Costa Rica

Crocodiles in Tárcoles river will be evaluated

In order to study crocodiles under the bridge over Tárcoles river’s health, some experts captured one of these animals, so that biologists and veterinarian specialists perform some tests.

Jason Vargas, tour guide from Cocodrile Man Tour company, declared that, in the last 3 or 4 years, they have noticed that the animals are losing weight until they die. As consequence, they decided to ask for the help of one of the most recognized, Costa Rican biologists in Central America: Juan Bolaños.

Vargas commented that they handle some hypotheses, some of them is that the food available in the area is not enough for the 50 or 60 crocodiles that are specifically located under the bridge; another one is that tourists’ food is hurting them.

The results of the analyzes, that will be carried out in the National Technical University (UTN) of Grecia, will be ready in one month. The animal is then expected to be transferred to a shelter.

In order to carry out the capture, a permit had to be requested from the competent authorities.