American Expatriate Costa Rica

Deputy Minister Marco Feoli will assume the Ministry of Justice

The Minister of Justice Cecilia Sánchez will leave her position on December 31st to take charge of the Latin American Institute of the United Nations for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (Ilanud). Deputy Minister Marco Feoli would be the strongest candidate to take the job.

From the Presidential House they preferred not to make any comments; however, it is clear that from January 1st there are little more than four months of the administration, so the simplest way out would be to give the position to Feoli, who has been the right hand of Sánchez during this period.

Sánchez will assume the position in the Ilanud for a period of three years, after being appointed by the Executive Power and receiving the endorsement of the United Nations.

Legislator Mario Redondo of the Christian Democratic Alliance opposed the appointment, saying it is an undeserved prize for the lack of achievements she has had for the ministry of justice and asked to open a contest to elect the director of this organization, which has its headquarters in San José.

However, Alfaro was emphatic that this position is not put out to tender.

The Ilanud is an organization that aims to prevent crime and improve criminal justice in Latin America, under the UN vision. The still minister of Justice will be the first woman to lead it in its 42 years of existence.