American Expatriate Costa Rica

Development Bank loans reach ¢319 Billion

In the first quarter of 2017, the Banking System for Development (SBD) achieved credit placements of more than ¢ 319 billion in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The balance of the portfolio is over ¢ 235 billion and represents 66% more compared to the same period in 2016.

During the first quarter of 2017, 30% of placements were located in districts of very low and low social development. 52% were channeled in regions other than the Central region, which shows the promotion to the economic and social development of areas with greater inequality in access to financing.

A quarter of the resources placed by the Development Banking System were directed towards productive projects led by women.

Of the total credit portfolio of the SBD, 53% was channeled into agricultural activities, followed by services and trade with 21% and 16%, respectively.

In addition, 73% of the funds are allocated to the support of micro entrepreneurs. 25% in what is classified as a small business. The average credit of the System is ¢7 million per beneficiary.

On average, 600 new loan beneficiaries are incorporated into the SBD per month. As of March 31st, there were almost 32,000 credit solutions (28% more compared to the first quarter of 2016), through 52 financial operators accredited in the SBD.