American Expatriate Costa Rica

Earthquake sequence in the South Zone

A local fault would be behind a series of earthquakes reported in the northern part of San Isidro de El General, in Pérez Zeledón.

From April 17th to April 27th the National Seismological Network (RSN) reported five earthquakes of moderate intensity that have been perceived in that area.

The most notorious occurred on Friday at 9:30 a.m., with a magnitude of 4.6 degrees and an epicenter located 15 kilometers northwest of San Isidro de El General.

The origin is associated with a local fault. The seismicity in this area is frequent. The last earthquake there occurred on July 3rd, 1983, in Buenavista de Pérez Zeledón, with a magnitude of 6.1,”

stressed the RSN.

This is the sequence of earthquakes registered in the area:
April 17th, 2:55 a.m., magnitude 2.0
April 17th, 03:33 p.m., magnitude 3.9.
April 17th, 10:32 p.m., magnitude 2.9.
April 20th, 11:36 p.m., magnitude 3.6.
April 27th, 09:33 a.m., magnitude 4.6.

Due to this behavior, the scientists of the RSN are vigilant to the development of more earthquakes.