American Expatriate Costa Rica

“El Gato”, the new drug that threatens young people

There is a new drug known as El Gato. Its target are adolescents. Authorities are worried because of the number of young people who have been assisted in the last weeks due to the use of Ketamina.

This drug represents the diversification of drug traffickers who are looking for new products and markets. It is related to illegal medicine trade and it is used to intoxicate young people in bars and parties in Costa Rica.

Its relaxing effect is the most striking. It can also generate periods of hallucination and its side effects are immediate: it causes a compression on the digestive system.

Ketamine used to be a medical drug, but in 2015 it became a controlled-release psychotropic drug.

Due to its relaxing effects, El Gato can be mixed with alcohol and marijuana.

Authorities urge parents to be alert since this drug is used to attract children and adolescents and it is popular among them.