American Expatriate Costa Rica

Electronic devices of Ticos that travel to the US will be checked at the airport

The electronic devices of Costa Ricans and other Central Americans that go to the United States will be thoroughly checked since Wednesday at midnight, according to information released on Tuesday by Avianca.

According to the airline, new provisions of the United States Department of Security stipulate that travelers from Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras may carry electronic devices in their carry-on luggage, as long as they are subject to further regulatory inspections.

The passenger who does not allow the inspection of their electronic equipment cannot take it with them on the flight.

The measures would be taken in order to raise the level of security on flights bound for the United States and thus prevent possible acts of unlawful interference or terrorism.

Avianca indicated that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) arranged for more detailed and continuous safety inspections for both passengers and carry-on luggage in boarding rooms and gates.

The measure runs from 00:00 hours on July 19th and includes the thorough inspection of electronic equipment in boarding rooms and doors.

In line with the safety postulates governing air activity, compliance with the regulations becomes mandatory.

Avianca called on travelers to arrive earlier at the airport, with a view to facilitating the process.

In addition to the Central Americans, the measure affects 100 more countries, 280 airports and about 325,000 passengers, according to TSA information.

For Costa Rica, the measure does not expressly prohibit travelling with electronic devices on board, as it has done with seven airports in the following countries: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, Morocco and Qatar.