American Expatriate Costa Rica

Environment and sustainability: recurring themes in classrooms

The Ministry of Public Education (MEP) wants to create skills to link students to sustainable development from educational centers.

The initiative is part of the curricular transformation that the MEP has adopted, aiming to promote the development of competences in students towards a new citizenship.

According to Nelson Campos, National Science Advisor, within the new curricular policy we work from all subjects, with the aim of having the student go through a process of integral education, analyzing the social, economic and environmental aspects of life.

Campos believes it is not necessary to have an independent and obligatory subject, since this type of topics can be approached from all the subjects, allowing a greater enrichment.

By having a new policy that establishes in an integral way, we make sure that those skills are worked from mathematics, are strengthened in Spanish, are taken up in Social Studies, evaluated in Science, so it doesn’t become a matter of one subject,”

said Campos.

In addition, each educational center must define the route of action, so that the contents are in accordance with their characteristics and social, demographic and economic needs.

Students will then be able to propose solutions and alternatives to the problems of the community, which gives them the opportunity to be part of the change.

Similarly, the curricula seeks students to develop critical thinking that allows them to analyze the impact of their actions and how they can contribute to or harm their natural and sociocultural environment.

They also seek to promote healthy living habits that promote good nutrition for children and young people.