American Expatriate Costa Rica

Fabricio Alvarado seeks to increase support in Guanacaste

On Sunday, the National Restoration candidate, Fabricio Alvarado, visited several Guanacaste communities, such as Liberia, Santa Cruz and Nicoya, where he was followed by a large number of people.

Guanacaste was another of the provinces that won by the former legislator on February 4th, along with Limón, Puntarenas and Alajuela.

On April 1st, the result will be strong. We have had a great reception in all the places we have been,”

said Alvarado, who added that Guanacaste is with National Restoration.

Alvarado held meetings in Santa Cruz, as well as in Nicoya, where he presented his proposals and promised not to leave the pamperos once he takes office. He says that the previous governments only went to Guanacaste for votes and then forgot the province.

In Santa Cruz, for example, neighbors asked for a new hospital, because they say there are many people who are not treated because of the lack of medical resources in the area.

We are not working to win the elections, because we know we are going to win the elections. We are working to do things together with all these people,”

said Alvarado.