American Expatriate Costa Rica

Fabricio Alvarado: “The President does not have to be a scholar”

The candidate of the National Restoration party, Fabricio Alvarado, assured that the President of the Republic does not have to know or handle all the issues.

He said this on Wednesday morning in the Radio Monumental debate, where he once again had a face to face with the Citizen Action party candidate, Carlos Alvarado. There, faced with questions about information he did not know anything about, Fabricio assured that the President does not have to be a scholar.

The President does not have to be a scholar and a know-it-all,”

said the candidate, indicating that there are teams working on all the issues, generating the proposals to be implemented.

The National Restoration candidate hesitated in two specific questions regarding the number of public officials of the State and the years of imprisonment that can be received by those who commit the crime of embezzlement. Finally, Alvarado acknowledged not having knowing about those issues.

During the debate, both candidates reiterated the attacks that have been occurring in recent weeks. The PAC reminded several times that their rival did not have a specific plan in terms of fiscal deficit, environment and infrastructure.

For its part, the National Restoration reminded the PAC candidate of the mistakes and failures in the current government of Luis Guillermo Solis.