American Expatriate Costa Rica

FDI disagrees with the inclusion of parents’ names in identification cards

According to Frente por los Derechos Igualitarios (FDI) to include, once again, the mother and father’s name in the identification cards is a regression.

That is part of some changes conducted by the Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) and it has already found opposition from independent activists and organizations that fight for LGBTI’s rights (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, and intersex).

The groups say that the inclusion of parents’ names violate the dignity of a person.

It reinforces the idea that in Costa Rica there is only one type of family (mother, father, sons and daughters), ignoring the wide diversity, which includes mother with children, father with children, grandmother or grandfather with grandchildren and children raised by same-sex couples,

declared the FDI.

Another reason given by the group has to do with cases of domestic violence, as those who have been attacked by a parent will be forced to bear with that name in their identification card.

Parents’ names appeared in the old format, which changed in 1998. However, the TSE considers appropriate to include them again in order to improve identification processes.