American Expatriate Costa Rica

Food for Turrialba’s cats and dogs

In the areas surrounding the Turrialba volcano, many pets such as dogs and cats, have been affected by the lack of food.

Daniela Segura, a member of the Cartago Animal Relief Association, said they visited La Pastora this weekend, in order to know how big the impact on the animal population was.

Segura explained that in the area affected by volcanic emissions there are 4 families with 5 dogs or more. They also looked for other animals in a similar situation, such as cattle, horses and cats.

How to help?

The association collects food and supplies such as:
1. Cat and dog food (puppy and adult).
2. Canned meat for cats and dogs.
3. Disposable plastic containers.
4. Large plastic bags.
5. Healing creams (veterinary use).
6. Baxidin in spray for cures.
7. Bandages, gauze.
8. Rimadyl tablets of 50mg and 100mg.
9. Large blankets in good condition.

For more information on the collection points, visit the Facebook page of the association.