American Expatriate Costa Rica

Frente Amplio prevents legislators from condemning attack on Venezuelan Parliament again

On Thursday, Frente Amplio legislators prevented the Congress from condemning the attack carried out on Wednesday against the National Assembly of Venezuela by violent armed groups.

Legislators of that political group broke the quorum when they were going to vote a motion promoted by other congressmen to censor the violence.

At the time of the vote, the only members of Frenet Amplio that were present were Edgardo Araya and Gerardo Vargas Varela. But Ligia Fallas, Jorge Arguedas, José Ramírez and Francisco Camacho left.

The proposal could not be voted because there were only 37 legislators present in the session room.

The motion stated:

In particular, we condemn the physical aggression against several legislators of that Parliament.”

In addition, it intended to request the Government of Costa Rica to carry out all diplomatic efforts to put an end to the

state of siege to which the Venezuelan National Assembly is currently subjected to and to allow legislators, members of the press and personnel to freely transit the Parliament.”

Legislators from the other political factions expressed their solidarity with Venezuelan citizens who were in the public space of the Legislative Assembly and took pictures with them in the hall of sessions of the plenary.
Legislators left on vacations today and will return on July 17th.