American Expatriate Costa Rica

Government approves social economy projects by decree

President Luis Guillermo Solís approved three decrees that strengthen the social solidarity economy, as part of his tour in Guanacaste, alongside other ministers and legislator Victor Morales Zapata, faithful promoter of this initiative.

The first decree sets out the functions of the Directorate of Social Solidarity Economy and the principles that govern it.

The second decree is for the consolidation of a National Integrated System of Cooperative Education and associative entrepreneurship, urging different organizations and state institutions to include goals for development, promotion, strengthening and sustainability of the social economy in their strategic and operational plans.

This system will include the Ministries of Labour and Public Education, universities, the National Council of Cooperatives, National Cooperative Development Institute, the National Chamber of Social Solidarity Economy and the Directorate of Social Solidarity Economy.

The third decree, according to the Minister of Economy, Industry and Trade, Welmer Ramos, provides a reform of the regulations of the Special Fund for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (FONDEMIPYME) to provide assistance to this sector and support micro and small businesses.