American Expatriate Costa Rica

Help and donate blood!

On February 4th, the Hispanic American University and the National Blood Bank will carry out a Blood Donation campaign from 8am to 12pm at the Aranjuez headquarters, specifically in Llorente de Tibás, ICE Parking, 300 meters to the south and 50 meters to the west.

You should consume water, fruits, cookies, coffee, tea or drinks without milk before the donation. The consumption of fatty foods such as cheese, custard, eggs and sausages is not recommended because you will have to wait two and a half hours to be able to donate if you consume these products.

Those interested should take into account that the doctor will consult the volunteer for their blood type, if they have anemia, and what kind of diseases they have suffered. If you had hepatitis B or C you cannot donate. It is important to specify what type of treatment you are receiving or recently completed. If you were vaccinated in the last fifteen days, you cannot donate. In case of having tattoos, you must wait at least one year after the tattoo to be able to donate.

Every half litter of donated blood represents only 10% of the total human body and you have it all back in the next 24 hours. The procedure may take between 5 to 15 minutes. There are four major components in blood which are vital in patients with cancer and other pathologies.