American Expatriate Costa Rica

Help save lives! Donate blood before Christmas

Unfortunately, not all families experience the end and beginning of the year as a party. Emergencies, illnesses and traffic accidents stain that period with pain. But blood donation is a way to lessen the suffering of patients and their families.

In order to meet the demand for this vital liquid, the National Blood Bank launched a campaign for the pre-Christmas season. They hope to get the donation of at least 4,800 people.

The schedule for receiving donors at the headquarters in Zapote is Monday through Friday from 6:30 am to 3:00 pm.

Carlos Andrés Villegas, director of the National Blood Bank, said that the annual goal to supply health facilities is 34 thousand donors, that is, 34 thousand bags with 450 ml of blood.

People who can approach donating their blood are those over 18 and under 60, weigh more than 50 kilograms and measure more than 1.50 meters.

Those who wish to join this act of love should not show up on an empty stomach, but they should refrain from consuming fats, dairy products and sausages, and always mention the type of medication they are consuming, if any.