American Expatriate Costa Rica

Hidden eyes reveal more wildlife secrets in Puriscal

The trap cameras placed in La Cangreja National Park continue to reveal the most hidden secrets in that conservation area.

A series of images taken by Leonel Delgado Pereira ranger account for the presence of wild animals such as pumas, coyotes and deer.

Delgado posted the images in his Facebook profile. However, these were replicated on the national park page.

Since 2014, four infrared cameras, known as trap cameras, have been installed in a four-kilometer path within the park, thanks to a joint initiative with Point Loma Nazarene University in California, USA.

Last January, criminals stole some of the cameras installed on that site for the third time.

The national park La Cangreja, located in Puriscal, comprises a territory of 2,750 hectares with 44 species of endemic plants. In addition, it has more than 300 species of birds such as limpets, toucans, turkeys, among others.

It has a maximum elevation of 1,305 meters above sea level and a minimum of 300 meters above sea level, reaching temperatures between 24ºC and 40ºC. Its average annual rainfall ranges from 2,400 to 3,500 millimeters.