American Expatriate Costa Rica

HNN treated children with respiratory infections and food poisoning

In the last couple of days, the National Children’s Hospital (HNN) dealt with emergencies related to respiratory infections, gastroenteritis and food poisonings.

Carlos Jiménez, interim director, said that those were the three most frequent cases received in the Emergency Service, together with traffic accidents with some poly-traumatized victims.

Regarding respiratory infections, the doctor pointed out that many are a result of the season, such as respiratory syncytial virus and influenza.

Regarding gastroenteritis, Jiménez reported that several children with diarrhea and vomiting were treated.

According to the official, cases of food poisoning caused by the intake of food of dubious hygienic preparation were also treated.

Jiménez called on managers and parents to avoid taking children to crowded sites and to wash their hands with soap and water.