American Expatriate Costa Rica

Hotels and restaurants owe 4 million colones to the CCSS

The Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS) has to recover nearly ¢4,418 million from 1,435 employers in the hotels and restaurants sector, according to the cut on Monday, July 10th.

The institution reported that the hotel and restaurant sector is in the sixth position of the activities with the highest delinquency due to worker and employer quotas. The first five places are occupied by real estate and business, commerce, industry, construction and community and social services.

Luis Diego Calderón, collections director of the CCSS, also said that the largest debtors in the sector have debts ranging from ¢53 million to ¢ 102 million. Their joint debt represents 14.9% of the sector’s outstanding debt.

Calderón reported that, of the 10 employers with the highest debt, the CCSS has handled a total of 246 lawsuits, has filed 46 criminal complaints for the crime of undue retention in the payment of workers’ contributions and processes 42 closure proceedings due to delays in payment of fees.

As of June 30th, 2017, 13,429 active delinquent employers were registered, owing ¢9,989 million. The call for debtors is to approach the institution either to cancel the debt or to formalize a payment arrangement.