American Expatriate Costa Rica

Hypertension and diabetes: maladies that “kill” kidneys

Hypertension and diabetes, as well as aging itself, are three conditions that can be associated to increased kidney transplants in Costa Rica.

Only in 2015, 63 kidney transplants were performed in the country.

Kidney problems are associated with several factors; Aging, hypertension and diabetes are pathologies that, unfortunately, cause the kidney to deteriorate.

This is why it is important to have a caring diet, to exercise, to manage stress. It is necessary to prevent these chronic diseases that enhance kidney problems, as declared César Gamboa, Ministry of Donation and Transplant, from the Ministry of Health .

On November 8th, the XVI Meeting Network Council of Donation and Transplant 2016 (RCIDT) started, in which experts from more than 20 Latin American countries will meet in the country.

Gamboa said that efforts in increasing the donation rate have been successful, as an action that truly saves lives.