American Expatriate Costa Rica

ICE Empowers Cubans on Biomass Energy Generation

A Cuban delegation is in Costa Rica to share experiences and acquire knowledge about renewable electricity generation, mainly from wet biomass, and experts from the Costa Rican Institute of Electricity (ICE) will advise it.

ICE’s experience in planning, designing and building renewable energy projects was presented to the technical and scientific community of Cuba at the IX International Conference on Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Education (CIER 2017) held in June.

During this week, nine experts from the Cuban Ministries of Higher Education and Industry and the representatives of the ICE Biogas Program visit various biogas projects in the country.

Cuba has the goal of sharing renewable energies from 4% to 24% by 2030, as it has a fossil fuel-based electricity matrix, indigenous renewable energies will give greater independence to the Cuban electricity system.

From 2009 to date, the island has achieved 212 biomass generation projects.

Our development is not commercial and we do not connect these projects to the electricity grid, but we use it to save energy consumption in agribusiness, cooking, lighting and refrigeration, mainly in rural communities,”

said Suárez.

Cuba uses 21 different crops for the generation of biomass, produces biodiesel for automobiles, and has achieved the installation of 176 biodigesters.

According to Cuban data, a rural housing in that Caribbean country can save up to 40% in its electric bill, thanks to the direct use of biogas in cooking and lighting.