American Expatriate Costa Rica

ICE’s empoyees plan demonstrations

Workers from the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) are preparing a demonstration to defend their rights. They are planning to protest in order to eliminate the new policy imposed by ICE administration, which, according to employees sets an “arbitrary logic” to fire people.

In addition, workers plan to join the entire labor movement that is getting ready to fight for rationalizing public spending and any other public employment project.

On July, 4th, members of Frente Interno de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras del ICE (FIT-ICE), Asociación Nacional de Técnicos y Trabajadores de la Energía y las Comunicaciones (ANTTEC), Asociación Sindical de Trabajadores de Telecomunicaciones de Electricidad y Afines (ACOTEL) and Asociación de Abogados y Profesionales del Grupo ICE (ABOGAPROICE) met.

By doing this, unions want to warn that the ICE’s financial situation is not due to labor rights, it is just a consequence of current and previous administrations’ misguided finance policies and wrong decisions.