American Expatriate Costa Rica

If you have children under one year old, leave them home

Due to the increase of people affected by the respiratory syncytial virus, which mainly affects the respiratory system of children, the Ministry of Health recommended that if you have babies under one year old, it is better not to take them out of the house to avoid contagion.

According to the latest report from the National Children’s Hospital (HNN), a total of 108 children were hospitalized for respiratory causes, 30% of them in critical condition.

[These figures] exceed the capacity of intensive care beds available, so some of these children require a longer stay than usual in the Emergency Service,”

said the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS).

Wing Ching Chan, pulmonologist and coordinator of the respiratory programs of the CCSS, also recommended that children keep their toys clean and avoid sending them to schools in the event of symptoms of colds.

Respiratory infections normally increase during the last months the year, both in children and adults, because these viruses, as if it were a scheduled work, increase their circulation among people around this time.

Other factors such as rain or humidity make things easier for viruses and bacteria, which could go from a simple cold to a severe case of pneumonia.

The experts say that to avoid infections or respiratory complications is necessary for people to take a series of measures:

-Strict hand washing with soap and water, scrubbing in all spaces under the nails and between the fingers.
-Avoid places with a high concentration of people.
-Respect the cough and sneeze protocol.
-Avoid sudden changes of temperature from hot to cold.
-Wrap up on rainy or windy days.
-If you take medication to treat chronic respiratory diseases do not neglect its use.