American Expatriate Costa Rica

Internship test will measure the quality of medical education

771 medical students from 8 colleges in the country took the test to win an internship at the medical centers of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS).

The test will measure not only the knowledge of senior students of medicine, but it will also detect possible weaknesses and improvements in the quality of the education.

The results will be analyzed along with the universities and a minimum grade will be established in order to get the internship.

This was the first test and it was conducted by an international organization known as International Foundations of Medicine (IFOM) from the National Board of Medical Example (NBME).

The internships test caused controversy among the students of the University of Costa Rica (UCR) who claimed that they didn’t have all the information to study for the test.

The students appealed to the Constitutional Court about this and other complaints, but the judges rejected their allegation and justified the decision explaining that their constitutional duty is to protect CCSS’ patients’ health and lives.