American Expatriate Costa Rica

Iván Prado: “Clowns are a love guerrilla”

For Ivan Prado, making people laugh is as natural as breathing. He says

a clown is the most sensitive of all artists because they feel humanity and suffer other people’s pain”.

His job is to bring smiles to those places where humor is in shortage. The Spanish clown is in Costa Rica now thanks to the Centro Cultural de España, to develop activities related to clowning and the social impact it has in conflicted areas.

Prado is a spokesperson for Pallasos en Rebeldía, an international group created in Galicia with collaboration of artists around the globe. He has performed in Palestine, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, Western Sahara, Greece and Colombia, organizing festivals, parades and clowning, circus and laughter therapy workshops to support human rights, freedom and dignity.

During his visit, he’ll work with the Drama School from Costa Rica University, with the program “Hospisonrisas” from Hospital de Niños and other independent groups. Additionally, he’ll participate in an artistic intervention activity in the indigenous community Chiroles, Talamanca.