American Expatriate Costa Rica

Jagauar sighting around Costa Rica beach

A video captured the moment when a jaguar was traveling along Nancite Beach, in Guanacaste.

In the images, recorded by Wilbert Villachica, you can see how the cat roamed peacefully in the area. In fact, in the Facebook profile where they shared the video they indicate:

In a few places in the world you can see jaguars walking so calmly!”

As seen in the images, the animal was curious and calm on the beach.

That beach (Nancite) is part of the Santa Rosa National Park… The presence of the jaguar occurs after the arrival of the turtles, when they nest… This occurs in lapses of a week, between the months of May and November, but unlike Ostional Beach, Nancite is a National Park where there is no nearby population,”

said Alejandro Masís, director of the Area of Guanacaste Conservation of the National System of Conservation Areas (Sinac). Hence the jaguar arrived calmly, without fear of being disturbed by vacationers, as tourists do not have access to Nancite Beach.

The Santa Rosa National Park has 168 thousand hectares. According to the expert, the jaguar sees the turtle as prey.