American Expatriate Costa Rica

Legislators endorse project to encourage the use of bicycles

Legislators of the Environment Commission unanimously endorsed a bill that aims to encourage the use of bicycles and other alternative means of transport.

The initiative, called the Law for mobility and bicycle safety, was affirmatively approved by that legislative body.

The proposal, promoted by Edgardo Araya, from Frente Amplio, aims to declare the public interest of the promotion of urban mobility and alternative means of transport such as bicycles, trains and buses.

It would also create the National Urban Mobility Fund to finance bicycle lane projects on national routes and provide municipalities with capacities and financing for their construction.

In addition, it would establish inter-cantonal bicycle rental networks and promote inter-modality (buses, trains and taxis have the infrastructure to carry bicycles) and would require that public parking spaces have a minimum amount of space for bicycles.

The proposal will be sent to the Legislative Plenary for discussion and voting.