American Expatriate Costa Rica

Mario Redondo accuses JASEC directors of millionaire trip to Argentina

Mario Redondo, from the Christian Democrat Alliance (ADC), denounced on Thursday a millionaire trip to Argentina by the directors of the Administrative Board of Electrical Services of Cartago (JASEC).

According to the legislator, the Board of Directors of the entity authorized the trip for a week with all expenses paid to a conference of auditors.

He explained that the Board of Directors of JASEC authorized tickets, travel and accommodation payments to Mariangella Mata and Alfonso Víquez to travel to Argentina in October to participate in the XXII Latin American Congress of Audit.

It is shameful that the institutions are used as travel agencies. This is a typical example: what is the point of two directors travelling to an audit activity?”

The trip was requested by JASEC auditor so that he could participate. However, the unanimous agreement included the two executives, one member of the Citizen Action Party (PAC) and the other from the National Liberation Party (PLN). One of them is even about to retire because the term of their appointment expires.

It is a pleasure trip, while people from Cartago see how the rates increase to pay these fees,”

said Redondo.

The congressman demanded that the Board of Directors of JASEC revoke the agreement.