American Expatriate Costa Rica

Men should closely follow their private parts’ health

Self-examination is thought of as something limited to women. However, the truth is that men should be alert to palpable changes in their private parts.

Testicular cancer is the most common disease in men between 20 and 40 years old. It is also the second most common disease among the population between 15 and 20 years old; and there are other peaks of incidence in the population with more than 60 years old.

It is more common in white males than in African American and Asian males. One of the risk factors is having suffered that type of cancer before, as well as family history, and cryptorchidism, the condition of children who are born with the testicles outside the scrotum, which requires rapid intervention, as they are up to 6 times more likely to develop the disease,”

said Natalia Mora, an urologist at the Eastern Cancer Center.

It has not yet been established whether lifestyles (such as diet) or environmental factors are related to the development of the disease.

In Costa Rica, in 2014 there were 109 cases of men diagnosed with a testicular tumor and most of them were between 25 and 29 years old.

The specialist stressed that the delayed diagnosis causes the removal of the testicle, so it is crucial to visit the doctor as soon as you feel any palpable mass in your private parts.

Mora explained that this mass generally does not hurt, and when they do it is because they grew quickly and generate some bleeding inside the testicle.

Other symptoms that may indicate that something is not right are:
• Painless mass or inflammation in any of the testicles.
• Change in the texture of the testicles.
• Pain in the lower abdomen or groin.
• Sudden accumulation of fluid in the scrotum.
• Pain or discomfort in a testicle or scrotum.

Early diagnosis is crucial because certain treatments for testicular cancer can cause permanent sterility.