American Expatriate Costa Rica

Mental Health Nurses to Address Hurricane Victims

Several nurses specialized in mental health will visit shelter after shelter in Upala to listen and talk to victims of Hurricane Otto. They will try to lessen the pain in their hearts.

After a disaster, people need emotional support, not only to identify the post traumatic needs, but others that arise after an event of this magnitude,”

said Ligia Ramírez, president of the College of Nurses.

This week, the leaders of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS) indicated that 90% of hospital staff from Upala were affected by this phenomenon. They will also be visited.

The visits go hand in hand with a campaign aiming to collect water for areas that still have supply problems.

Those who wish to collaborate can leave their donations in the headquarters of the College, in La Uruca or in clinics, hospitals and university nursing schools.